Design and Fabrication Drawing S/S Tower 12.5m Roof Top

Tower roof top for radar and investigation "Sing Airport".


Broadcast Tower

Broadcast Tower
SURVEY & Reanalysis TVRI JOGJA 100m


Desidn & Fabrication DRAWING SST-27.75m

Tower Roof Top

Tower Roof Top
Design & Fabrication DRAWING SST-12.5m

Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

Ms Tower V 6.01

Analysis and Checking of Latticed Towers & MastsMStower V6 is a Windows program for the analysis and checking of latticed towers and masts. It is used by designers and authorities for the checking of transmission line structures and communications towers and masts.RENDERED PLOT OF PART OF A TOWERMStower V6 is a Windows program for the analysis and checking of latticed towers and masts. It is used by designers and authorities for the checking...

Senin, 13 Juli 2009

Basic Design and Construction aspects of Transmission Lines

1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 What is Transmission line?This question can simply not be answered by a few words. Each chapter in this lecture notes probably will use to give a proper answer of it.A transmission line is a device for the transfer of electric energy. It can transfer the energy over long or short distances, and at different voltages. Transfer of electrical energy over very long distances calls for a trunk line with high voltages. The transmission...

Rabu, 08 April 2009

Company Profile

Kami adalah tenaga-tenaga outsourcing profesional yang berpengalaman dibidangnya dalam menyediakan jasa Consulting, Engineering dan Construction dengan produk dan service : Analysis Design & Fabrictaion Drawings :• Site acquisition (S1TAC)• Telecommunication Tower• Strengthening Tower  (Re-analysis Existing)• Mechanical/Electrical • Accessories • Maintenance General Steel Structure Design & Fabrication Drawings :• High Voltage Transmission...

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